An Englishwoman, I have spent a lifetime in the company of Dogs and Horses. My interest has been specifically focused on helping dogs and their owners towards a more integrated life together. My joy is found in teaching our students—people and dogs—how to relate well to each other and get the most out of their mutual experience. My early training took place at New Skete Monastery under the tutelage of Brother Christopher and with Robin MacFarlane of "That's My Dog!" I became the first female dog trainer at New Skete, and while there I handled dogs from all over the world of every breed and background. Since leaving the Monastery, I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with a multitude of dogs and their families in such diverse environments as shelters, high-rise apartments and beach homes. This broad spectrum experience has provided a unique and open-minded approach to helping people live more peacefully with their canine companions in whatever situation they find themselves. These days I'm often found trouble-shooting all over the East Coast at client's homes and bringing dogs to stay with us and our "pack" in West Virginia for integrated training camps. I pride myself on clear and direct communication with our canine students which we use to "show them the way" to happier places in their owners' lives. The focus and discipline learned from early dance and equestrian training along with an empathy with our four-legged friends, is the foundation of my training philosophy and underpins my own outlook on life.